True! One of my test devices had literally 40mb to spare for non-stock apps. I got around it by telling it to install on the SD card if needed (android:installLocation="auto"
in the manifest) but it really highlights the importance of optimisation; some devices and data plans rely on compact apps.
I’ve found a few resources…
This guy got a bad app review because his app took up over 20mb of space. He uses a tool to take down the size of his library (arm-eabi-strip).
A great thread from this forum that goes into detail about cutting down the APK size, from a cocos2d-x perspective.
A discussion about ProGuard and how to get it working in cocos2d-x. Aside from obfuscation, ProGuard performs a lot of optimisation and can significantly cut down the size of the .dex file.
I haven’t really done anything yet, but I’ll be sure to report back.