I`m having a problem when I enable the auto scale mode (view->create(800, 1280)) to work on galaxy tab and other android devices.
I tested this on a Xperia X10 and it works well but on galaxy tab the accelerometer goes crazy.
When I disable the auto scale the accelerometer on galaxy tab works fine again.
Can anyone help me with that?
Is it a known issue?
I’m using 0.9.2 version but I already found the problem.
The Galaxy Tab resolution is 800x1280 but there is a menu bar with ± 48px so the cocos2d-x catches 800x1232. After enabling the auto scale with (view->create(800,1232)) it worked.
>> I`m having a problem when I enable the auto scale mode (view->create(800, 1280)) to work on galaxy tab and other android devices.
>> After enabling the auto scale with (view->create(800,1232)) it worked.
Hi, I have the same problem in my motorola milestone, but I can’t resolve the issue, you only change the resolution in the view->create? You didn’t make any other changes?