bug: void CCSpriteFrameCache::addSpriteFramesWithFile(const char *pszPlist)

if pszPlist is only a file name (“some.plist”), not includes directory, this function is failed.

— /a/CCSpriteFrameCache.cpp 2011-05-29 23:23:34.000000000 0800
**+ /b/CCSpriteFrameCache.cpp 2011-06-01 21:46:59.802755638
@ -242,7 +242,12@
textureBase.erase(indexOfLastSeperator, 1);
indexOfLastSeperator = textureBase.find_last_of(‘/’);

  • textureBase.erase(indexOfLastSeperator);
  • if (indexOfLastSeperator > –1) {
  • textureBase.erase(indexOfLastSeperator);
  • } else {
  • textureBase.clear();
  • }

// stringByAppendingPathComponent
if (! textureBase.empty())

@lig hwong,
Sorry that I can’t understand your post!
Can you provide more information? Sucn as the error message, line of source code, environment and so on.

at NDK, android-ndk-r5b, android-sdk-r11, cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.8.4, TexturePacker(ImageA.plist, ImageA.png)


Line: 224

void CCSpriteFrameCache::addSpriteFramesWithFile(const char *pszPlist)
            textureBase.erase(indexOfLastSeperator); <- here


void CCSpriteFrameCache::addSpriteFramesWithFile(const char *pszPlist)
    const char *pszPath = CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativePath(pszPlist);
    CCDictionary *dict = CCFileUtils::dictionaryWithContentsOfFile(pszPath);

    string texturePath("");

    CCDictionary* metadataDict = (CCDictionary*)dict->objectForKey(string("metadata"));
    if (metadataDict)
        // try to read  texture file name from meta data
        texturePath = string(valueForKey("textureFileName", metadataDict));

    if (! texturePath.empty())
+       if (pszPath != pszPlist) {  

            // build texture path relative to plist file

            // stringByDeletingLastPathComponent
            string textureBase(pszPath);
            int indexOfLastSeperator = textureBase.find_last_of('/');
            if (indexOfLastSeperator == textureBase.length() - 1)
                textureBase.erase(indexOfLastSeperator, 1);
                indexOfLastSeperator = textureBase.find_last_of('/');
            if (0<=indexOfLastSeperator)

            // stringByAppendingPathComponent
            if (! textureBase.empty())
                texturePath = textureBase + "/" + texturePath;

+       }


Two lines are inserted...


Sorry, my english is poor, and i am reply later. such as Deahoon Jang’ reply.

mySpriteFrameCache~~>addSpriteFramesWithFile —> crashed
mySpriteFrameCache~~>addSpriteFramesWithFile(“mydir/my.plist”) —> work fine

test at android-ndk-r5b, android-sdk-r11, cocos2d-0.9.5-x-0.8.1 and cocos2d-0.9.5-x-0.8.4

Thanks for your feedback!
I think it’s a bug of the engine. And I have created an issue #522 for this problem.