CCShaky3D blacks the screen

I’m translating an application from the original cocos2d and noted strange behavior of CCShaky3D action.
The code looks like

CCIntervalAction* shaky = CCShaky3D::actionWithRange, 1);
sprite~~>runAction(CCSequence::actions(shaky, CCStopGrid::action(), NULL));

The sprite shakes as expected, but entire screen becomes black (look the attached image).

shake.png (12.8 KB)

Excuse me, which platform are you using? iphone? uphone?
I will write a test code for this bug.

Haven’t tried the other platforms.

The situation you described was reproduced.
But I taked a same test in cocos2d-iphone-0.99.5(objective-c version),it have the same performance.

Thanks for your attention!

when do you plan to release a version that fixes this problem?

Hi, Al. I just tested CCShaky3D on iphone 4.2 emualtor, using the last code from github. It works right.

I suppose this bug is caused by the different between PowerVR mac/ios version and win32 version. By now, cocos2d-win32 depends on PowerVR OpenGL ES 1.1 library on win32, which will invoke OpenGL interface of your PC graphics card, then simulate the OpenGL ES interface.

Riq released 0.99.5-final 48 hours ago, and next week cocos2d-x group plan to upgrade from 0.99.4 to 0.99.5.
A big benefit is that, 0.99.5 implement cocos2d-mac base on OpenGL interface directly. That means cocos2d-win32 can inherit from this improvment, use OpenGL directory on your x86 pc, and break away from the PowerVR OpenGL ES 1.1 library of win32.

I hope this upgrade in next two weeks can resolve many exceptions caused by PowerVR OpenGL ES library of win32, including CCShaky3D.

Walzer wrote:

Excuse me, which platform are you using? iphone? uphone?
I will write a test code for this bug.


The sprite shakes as expected, but entire screen becomes black (look the attached image).
iphone is the platform.

this bug coming back .

Is anyone looking at this bug right now? Win32 here, with .13 beta.

me neither,

plz help…

who have solve this problem?

Walzer Wang wrote:

Excuse me, which platform are you using? iphone? uphone?
I will write a test code for this bug.

In win32 platform,When I use effects action like CCShaky3D ,CCWave… ,the background of my sceen become black.
In ios , the same problem happend,but when I change EAGLView pixelFormat from RGB565 to RGBA8,the problem solved.

So what shoud I do in win32 platform???