It is based on cocos2d-x[version 3.9], but remove 3D and other features. It works on iOS,OS X,Android and Windows.
The major change:
Remove 3D features
Only support iOS,OS X,Android and Windows.
Remove support for LUA script(It’s temporary)
Remove deprecated classes and functions
Remove Camera
Remove Physics integration
Using FastTileMap instead of TileMap
Remove C++ implementations of CocoStudio parser
Remove C++ implementations of CocosBuilder parser
Remove AssetsManager,AssetsManagerEX
Remove Allocator
Remove AutoPolygon
Remove support for WebP,S3TC,ATITC
Remove support for game controller
Improved robustness and many bugs have been fixed
I’m a bit concerned because:
I liked Cocos2d-x’s compatibility with Windows Phone and future
compatibility with game consoles.
3D features were also getting good, even for games that weren’t
all in 3D it was nice to be able to add some 3D elements.
The game controller support was also something important for
desktop (and even mobile, to be compatible with controller
AutoPolygon feature was a very nice optimization option for fill rate.
The camera compatibility is not that important, but some project might need it in some way. I suppose that you can always build a native project and add the needed code there, but then the best feature of Cocos Creator disappears, which is coding once (in JS) and having a game that runs on (almost) everything. What about other sensors (microphone, gyroscope, accelerometer, etc.)?
Will Cocos Creator have these features in the future? If not, I suppose that a project with those needs can always be done in Cocos2d-x instead, but I was hoping Cocos Creator to become as good as Cocos2d-x, with lots of options and compatibilities.
I’m sorry if this message sounds mean. It isn’t my intention at all. I just want to have all the possible information about what Cocos Creator will and won’t be before making important decisions.
I’m having this issue after deleting from Applications and trying to open after a fresh download. I did this because… CC seemed to hang on logging in and then did not seem to load after a force close and try again. Have you found a solution?
Yes we removed many things in Cocos2d-x to make it lite. The real target to make it lite isn’t about the package size, what we want is a cleaner engine so that we can easily craft on it. Cocos2d-x isn’t designed for an editor like Creator, we want the lite version to be driven by needs of Creator, whatever feature we add into the lite version, it will be editable in Creator. To accomplish this, we start by removing things, then we will redesign things to be editor friendly.
Other things like 3D feature and auto polygon are removed because we want Creator to have a modern rendering pipeline which is a very important task currently. We will rebuild 3D features and auto polygon based on the new pipeline.
Compatibility and platform support is really expensive, we don’t have the resources to move fast with all the restrictions, that’s the reason we use cocos2d-x-lite repo.
Don’t worry, the two repo will share many improvements, but serve for different purpose and different user needs.
So, it’s because of that. That’s a very good approach! Then I suppose that I’ll continue using both Cocos2d-x and Cocos Creator, but I’m loving Creator so much that I wanted to completely switch to it. Time will tell!
Thank you for your transparency and implication with the community, as always And again, thanks to all the Cocos team for such a hard work!
Hey, good work with the editor. I still hope you will open some issue for community on github @pandamicro ))
It seem that there is a bug in the new release - i can not quit the Cocos Creator dashboard. I hold on the icon, press quit in the popup menu and… and nothing happens, the dashboard is still running. I tried to kill it using Activity Monitor - it did not work either. So i only managed to kill it via terminal.
Will Cocos Creator eventually replace Cocos Studio? Or the intention is to have 2 different branches of Cocos?
When I tried BUILD in Cocos Creator, there’s no option for iOS. Also, there’s nothing about it on documentation. How do I build to iOS from Cocos Creator?
There’re some chinese text even on the tech demo. Not a question, but an observation
I have the problem too… Looks like the signing issue a previous beta version was having before…should be easy to fix.
In the meanwhile, you can launch Cocos Creator v1.0.2 from the terminal (I put the command into an alias, so I just have to type cc in the terminal to start Cocos Creator:
alias cc='/Applications/ &'
I found couple bugs in 1.0.2 release:
The play button in the editor sometimes freezes in disabled state and the only thing that make it works again, is restart of the app or reopen of project.
Next thing that seems to not work properly, is property “isPlaying” of component “cc.AudioSource”. In simulator it always returns value of false, no matter if sound is played or not. Other hand when sound is played in browser this property constantly holds value of true even if the sound ends to play. Is this a proper behavior? I would like to know when the sound stops. Is this possible?
I can’t build, compile for Android, when I press those buttons, it get stuck at creating native project, the native_log doesn’t show anything (maybe the process can’t start)
Please help me.