Code sharing or static library?

cocos2d-x is a very good choice when you’re going to do cross platform game programming. But there is a little problem for me.( Currently I’m only working in iPhone project and I’d like to expand to other platform later). The problem is that I have to copy all the source code to any of my project. So I create some static library xcode projects for this project and a xcode template. The only thing I need to do is to add a COCOS2DX_HOME variable in xcode’s Source Tree. Then I won’t need to copy all source code again when I create new project.

Is it possible to contribute my work? How?


There is a template named After you installing it, you can create new cocos2d-x project from xcode.

I am sorry. I misunderstood your meaning. You can check out the source code from, and pull your commit.