Could not get cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.9.1 to Work. - but found the Bug.

Hi guys.
I discovered a bug when I tried to get the new cocos2dx update to work.

By running the script : / the project setup is generated.
Then when you go into your project and run the script- you will see that your resources are not moved correctly into your assets folder.
In the file it is looking for the folder ‘RESOURCE_ROOT=$GAME_ROOT/Resource’, but this does not exist!.
The folder is called ‘RESOURCE_ROOT=$GAME_ROOT/Resources’ ( s in the end of Resources ).
So Either you should rename your folder- or the path.

ps Thanks for your great work in porting cocos2d to cpp

Oh, sorry for my careless, I will fix it now.

It is fixed.

So sorry, I modify the “Resource” folder to “Resources” to keep the consistency with ios templates in issue #637, But forget to modify the in it.
And one more thing, Ming, should we rename all res folders to “Resources” in HelloWorld, HelloLua, and Tests?

It is fixed in
Thank you again.