Google deleted my app for using SDKBOX

The same shit.

I an trying to migrate from sdkbox to firebase; it has libs/functionality for AdMob:

Note: they have some typo on that their page (as usual) - check the include/firebase/*.h files.

Alas the newest firebase-sdk I can build with is 9.4.0; Note: its supports not obsolete firebase/admob, but newer firebase/gma.

Building with firebase-sdk from 9.5.0 to 10.0.1 fails with text:

Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol ___std_find_trivial_1@12 referenced in function “char const * __cdecl __std_find_trivial<char const ,unsigned char>(char const *,char const *,unsigned char)” (??$__std_find_trivial@$$CBDE@@YAPBDPBD0E@Z) MY_PROJECT_NAME MY_PROJECT_FOLDER\build_win\firebase_app.lib(d94e1bff3c0e8414a6679ea91c3e103e_firebase_app.dir_Debug_heartbeat_storage_desktop.obj) 1
– may be someone know how to fix it?

About IAP: I use bluewind00 mingos::IAP addon/library:

After modification it supports quantity of purchashed items.
Also I use billing-library-5 - hope it’s ok.

Alas I have no idea how to implement screenshot share on facebook without sdkbox.