Ok, it wasn’t working as expected. Whole cocos library was compiled instead. One small change is required:
$(call import-module,./prebuilt-mk)
instead of
$(call import-module,.)
in Android.mk file.
New test project included.
When you open this project in android studio you’ll see the difference. There’s no more bunch of libraries in ProjectName/cpp, just MyGame and cpufeatures (dunno why but it’s here).
I’m also switching from armeabi to armeabi-v7a, because non armeabi-v7a are very old and I don’t support them anyway (too old android version for libraries like google play services and facebook).
Now app is compiling for about 18 seconds (about 3mins before) in my case
Also I can debug on arm64-v8a devices with just armeabi-v7a (don’t have to add arm64-v8a in build.gradle which will increase apk size and compilation time).
ProjectName.zip (5.8 MB)