April 5, 2017, 9:19am
@piotrros , I think the main problem is that I don’t know what I am doing in Android Studio (& also Cocos2d-x and SDK BOX) my first project and I am struggling…
Open the project.android-studio and I can build and run but not ‘see’ or ‘debug’ my C++ files, Android view:
Still in project.android-studio and I can build and run, Project view:
I can open the parent cocos2d-x project folder, and ‘see’ my C++ files, but I cannot debug.
Project view:
Android view:
I have tried to create a Run configuration for the ‘parent’ folder but I seem unable to assign a Module. Probably the wrong approach
Any hints really appreciated, I am getting increasingly frustrated! Thanks.
cocos2d-x 3.14.1, ndk r14b, build android-9 <=> android-25, tools 25.0.2
BTW I have been following these discussions:
I can make the prebuilt Cocos2D X C++ library using the following cocos command. cocos gen-libs -p android This command generates some *.a files in the /prebuilt/android folder. My question is how can I link these prebuilt libraries to the...
Reading time: 16 mins 🕑
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Hi, I was trying to setup Android studio project to work natively with C++ and seems other guys instructions are correct and it’s really works. So far for Hello World project to try out you need to replace. build.gradle inside app folder with...
Reading time: 2 mins 🕑
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After a few days of learning I now have my app running on Android. There are a number of problems and I would like to be able to set breakpoints in Android Studio and trace through the code. If I run: cocos run -p android --android-studio -m...
Reading time: 2 mins 🕑
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