How to link prebuilt Cocos2D X C++ library to Android Studio project?

@piotrros, I think the main problem is that I don’t know what I am doing in Android Studio (& also Cocos2d-x and SDK BOX) my first project and I am struggling…:unamused:

Open the and I can build and run but not ‘see’ or ‘debug’ my C++ files, Android view:

Still in and I can build and run, Project view:

I can open the parent cocos2d-x project folder, and ‘see’ my C++ files, but I cannot debug.

Project view:

Android view:

I have tried to create a Run configuration for the ‘parent’ folder but I seem unable to assign a Module. Probably the wrong approach :expressionless:

Any hints really appreciated, I am getting increasingly frustrated! Thanks.

cocos2d-x 3.14.1, ndk r14b, build android-9 <=> android-25, tools 25.0.2

BTW I have been following these discussions: