I want to use 3D text in Cocos Creator, Do we have any options within the cocos to make 3D text,I do not want to bring FBX from 3rd party Software.Please Help

I want to use 3D text in Cocos Creator, Do we have any options within the cocos to make 3D text,I do not want to bring FBX from 3rd party Software.Please Help

you can try this link:CocosCreatorDemos: 大道至简,殊途同归。 CocosCreatorDemos主要是整理并实现了一些常用的用户需求示例,希望可以给用户提供一些使用灵感。 CocosCreatorDemos mainly organizes and implements some common user‘s needs demos, hoping to provide users with some inspiration. - Gitee.com