Hi,is there a function to set label’s text weight?
There’re two methods in CCLabelTTF.h
/** initializes the CCLabelTTF with a font name, alignment, dimension and font size */
bool initWithString(const char *label, CCSize dimensions, UITextAlignment alignment, const char *fontName, float fontSize);
/** initializes the CCLabelTTF with a font name and font size */
bool initWithString(const char *label, const char *fontName, float fontSize);
so in your code,
// width by default
CCLabelTTF* pLabel = CCLabelTTF::labelWithString("Hello World", "Arial", 34);
// set your dimension
CCLabelTTF* pLabel = CCLabelTTF::labelWithString("Hello World", CCSizeMake(300, 100), UITextAlignmentCenter, "Arial", 34);
For 0.7.2-rc and older version, use cocos2d::CGSizeMake; for 0.8.0 and higher version, use CCSizeMake.
And you can set CC_SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW to 1 in cocos2dx/include/ccConfig.h, to see the border of CCLabelTTF
Yes,but I want to set font weight or “bold-faced”,not font size.
like this:
singoon not singoon
Sorry, I make mistake, weight - width.
So far, cocos2d has no interfaces to set the style of bold or italic.
You can try to add a flag, then implement this feature in UIImage::initWithString(…) This fucntion is implemented in
* cocos2dx/platform/ios/UIImage_ios.mm
* cocos2dx/platform/android/UIImage_android.cpp
* etc.
Thx,maybe you mean this file:
* CCXUIImage_iphone.mm
but I can’t find UIImage::initWithString(…)
emm, in 0.7.2, it’s platform/iphone/CCXBitmapDC.mm static void initWithString
The platform layer is refactored in version#7, so it’s a bit different