I am very much interested in COCOS2D-X. I come from a C*+ background as well.
I want to convert my existing COCOS2D Objective-C code to COCOS2D-X C*+ . But i do not have any templates of COCOS2D-X for XCode4, so that i can start converting it in a systematic manner. However i have tried renaming the existing HelloWorld project supplied, but i am getting a lot of errors.
Please suggest me a approach to convert my objective c code to c++ and what is the ETA for templates of XCode4
cocos2d-iphone just released its xcode4 templates a few days ago. And we created issue #398 to do this in the next version.
But I cannot find an offcial document about this on apple.com. Riq said that “The new format is not documented, so, in order to create the new templates a lot of copy & paste, and trial & error was needed”.
I don’t know if we create a new project from xcode3 template, then open it in xcode4, what will happen? Will it crash or work correctly? If the created xcodeproj can be upgrade automaticly by xcode4, that maybe the best approach to create cocos2d-x new project, before we finish issue #398. (Honestly, I haven’t download xcode4 yet, my friends tell me it’s too slow, and too strange with its hotkeys)
Any update on this? There have been some XCode 4 templates released for regular Cocos2D in the RC versions of 1.0. Will we see any for cocos2d-x before the next point release?
I’m not sure where this is at but I’m about 75% done converting this over for cocos2d-x. I used the base templates from the cocos2d branch and I have modified the python script that they use to generate the new xctemplates. I just had to add some extra checks to ignore specific directories when building the Xcode project (win32, android, etc). I also have a new install-templates.sh file to do all the template and library copying into the new location. I am at the point where I can create a new project and everything is included, I’m just going through and fixing general project and compile options.
Would this be something you guys would want to pull into the project?
I think you are doing the work that we want to do. Templates for XCode3 and XCode4 can work together. Leave developers to determine which template to use.