In fact I have done this, my error was that my CCDirector had called PAUSE beforte the transition, what simply breaks it.
I also removed the replaceObjectAtIndex, since it was given an unknow error when compiling to Android, and in fact it doesn’t make any difference
void popSceneWithTransition(float t) {
CCAssert(m_pRunningScene != NULL, "running scene should not null");
unsigned int c = m_pobScenesStack->count();
if (c == 0) {
else {
m_bSendCleanupToScene = true;
m_pNextScene = (CCScene*)m_pobScenesStack->objectAtIndex(c - 1);
CCScene* trans = T::create(t, m_pNextScene);
//m_pobScenesStack->replaceObjectAtIndex(c-1, (CCScene*)trans);
m_pNextScene = trans;
Here is the code as I am using! Thank you for your help!