So, I have been an iOS dev for about 3 years now, but porting my current game to android is my first trip down that rabbit hole. And oh what a doozy it is becoming. ;) Snow Leopard 64bit & cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.9.1
I have followed a mix of the installation instructions from this site as well as the official android site, and I think I ALMOST have it, however I am now running into an issue getting the cocos2d helloworld to compile correctly. Please be fair warned that I have NO java experience, so please be brutally honest if I am just missing something little and dumb. Thanks. Here is what I have done so far.
NOTE: Development environment is OSX
- Downloaded the android SDK and unzipped it to /Developer-android/android-sdk-mac_x86
- Downloaded the android NDK and unzipped it to /Developer-android/android-ndk-r6
- Ran the Android SDK and AVD Manager. Installed ALL non third party packages, and created a “Test” virtual device.
- Installed Eclipse (Against my better judgment, tried it before, and HATED it). If anyone knows how to make all of this work with XCode4 I will totally buy you lunch
- Installed the ADT plugin for eclipse.
- Ran the “” and created my project with a target of 2.1 update 1.
- Ran chmod ~~R a+rw on the project folder since for some reason all the perms were set to read only.
- Ran chmod on the “” inside of the new projects android folder since it was not allowing execute by default.
- Ran the “” within the android folder of the new project.
So far so good, I think…. - I import that project into eclipse using the new android project from existing source. However this is where things just break down. At this point I get like 18 errors about @override within the cocos2d-x java files. I tried the quick and dirty “fix-me” option, which did in fact allow it to build without error, however when I tell it to install on the device, although it installs, it crashes as soon as it tries to launch. Suggestions? I figure if I can get this part up and running, I can figure out how to import my c++ files…
Also, one last question. All of the scripts used to get to this point require my project to exist in the cocos2d-x~~ … folder in order to be built correctly. After everything is built, is it safe to move the folder elsewhere? Thanks!