a bug in CCSprite::updateTextureCoords?

Recently, i found that:
when i add a SpriteFrames files into CCSpriteFrameCache,


and then get a sprite with one SpriteFrame’s name


the sprite texture’s edges will appear other images’ edges.

At first, i try to resolved the problem with TexturePacker. When i build the plist file, i will change it’s Border Padding more than 1.
it’s ok, now.

But, i think it is not TexturePacker’s problem.
Because, the plist and png file are both correctly.

So, i read the source codes,
i found the wrong point in CCSprite::updateTextureCoords

there is the code (two parts):

left    = rect.origin.x/atlasWidth;
right   = left+rect.size.height/atlasWidth;
top     = rect.origin.y/atlasHeight;
bottom  = top+rect.size.width/atlasHeight;

left    = rect.origin.x/atlasWidth;
right   = left + rect.size.width/atlasWidth;
top     = rect.origin.y/atlasHeight;
bottom  = top + rect.size.height/atlasHeight;

i think it’s shoud be:
left = rect.origin.x/atlasWidth;
right = left
top = rect.origin.y/atlasHeight;
bottom = top
left = rect.origin.x/atlasWidth;
right = left + /atlasWidth;
top = rect.origin.y/atlasHeight;
bottom = top + /atlasHeight;

Are you using the auto-scale feature on android? There maybe a bug caused by float calculation. +1 & –1 just fix the rounded down and up.
More information is required: your platform, the resolution (HVGA, WVGA, Retina, or ipad, xoom….)?