I’m Duksu Han and working for samsung elec. as samsung platform evangelist.
I had disscussed with platform team as below issue and found out a way to may solve it.
A Known Bug on Bada Wave M¶
If you build all projects for Wave M, you should read this article.¶
I found that the opengles1.1 function ‘glGenFramebuffersOES’ is not supported on wave m device, the ‘Effect Test’ , ‘RenderTextureTest’ and ‘EffectAdvancedTest’ use this funciton, so if you click the menu item of these tests, the tests application will crash. We are waiting for samsung to update wave m firmware, otherwise this bug can not be fixed.
there is a way to use the ‘glGenFramebuffersOES’ function by getting this function direct way. plz, check below links of bada.developer.com
I hope cocos2d-X to be more successful in bada platform as well.