Access Cocos game instance load progress value

I am looking for a hook/API/property or some value that represents the current loading progress of a game build in Cocos Creator 3.5. How does the .progress-bar in style.css get updated? I do not see anything in application.js that seems to alter it during the game instance creation.

In older Cocos versions (ex: 2.4.5) the main.js contained a setLoadingDisplay() function that would update the progress bar. I am looking for something similar in 3.4/3.5 but I am not seeing it.

The use case is a platform our games are deployed to requires we use their splash/loading screen along with their loading progress bar. We need to feed this load progress value into their loading bar, but I am struggling to identify where I can find this value.

you can refer to this: (1.5 MB)

That’s exactly what I was looking for, thank you! Has this been removed from the default web-mobile build template? I’m not seeing it when I build in 3.5.