Android 14 for some reason the drawImage function is missing in CanvasRenderingContext2D

Good day, I use JS and canvas to prepare an image for Sprite

When testing the application on a device using Android 14, a problem arose with the lack of the drawImage function in CanvasRenderingContext2D

Code for identifying the problem

let CoverCanvas = document.createElement(“canvas”);

let Cover_ctx = CoverCanvas.getContext(“2d”);

console.log(‘Direct Cover_ctx:’, Cover_ctx);

console.log(‘Direct Cover_ctx drawImage exists?’, typeof Cover_ctx.drawImage === “function”);

console.log(‘Cover_ctx constructor:’,;
console.log(‘Cover_ctx prototype:’, Object.getPrototypeOf(Cover_ctx));
console.log(‘Cover_ctx keys:’, Object.keys(Cover_ctx));

if (typeof Cover_ctx.drawImage !== “function”) {
console.error(“Error: Cover_ctx.drawImage is not a function!”, Cover_ctx);


if (!Cover_ctx || !(Cover_ctx instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D)) {
console.log(‘Error: Cover_ctx is not a CanvasRenderingContext2D!’, Cover_ctx);
} else {console.log(‘Cover_ctx is a CanvasRenderingContext2D!’, Cover_ctx);}

Logs received in Android Studio

D 18:32:07 [DEBUG]: JS: Direct Cover_ctx: [object Object]

D 18:32:07 [DEBUG]: JS: Direct Cover_ctx drawImage exists? false

D 18:32:07 [DEBUG]: JS: Cover_ctx constructor: CanvasRenderingContext2D

D 18:32:07 [DEBUG]: JS: Cover_ctx prototype: [object Object]

D 18:32:07 [DEBUG]: JS: Cover_ctx keys: _nativeObj,_attris,_canvas

E 18:32:07 [ERROR]: JS: Error: Cover_ctx.drawImage is not a function! [object Object]

D 18:32:07 [DEBUG]: JS: Cover_ctx is a CanvasRenderingContext2D! [object Object]

I am using Cocos Creator 3.8.4, Android Studio Koala 2024.1.1 API 33

There is no such problem in the browser. Tell me where to look for the cause of the problem. Thanks in advance for your help.