Android Chrome debugging problem

Hello friends we are developing an android game.

I debugged Android in the following manner.

  1. Enable wireless debug option on your Android device
  2. Same WiFi connection
  3. Enable debug mode and source map options in the build panel

I did this, but the information is not displayed.

When I go to chrome://inspect, it says that the device is connected, and the adb devices command also shows that the device is recognized normally.

I am currently debugging on a Mac, and the Mac version is 14.4.1 and Android Studio is using Giraffe version.

IOS works well, but why doesn’t Android work? I would like to ask for some advice on something I have doubts about.

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Have you checked the Guide Doc below: Debugging JavaScript on Native Platforms | Cocos Creator

you can find the debug tool link from the logcat. and make sure ip in the link is your computer IP.

Yes, I tried everything in the documentation and ended up failing. What’s the problem?

paste your specific devTool link to me.

Currently we are using two links: In the case of iOS, the link in the manual did not work and debugging was possible by accessing the second link.

The current environment is to debug on the PC screen when playing the game on an Android device. The PC I am using is a Mac mini.

Link1 - devtools://devtools/bundled/js_app.html?v8only=true&ws=
Link2 - devtools://devtools/bundled/js_app.html?v8only=true&ws=

Hello, have you set the active build variant to debug in Android Studio?

Of course. I did everything but it didn’t work. So that’s the problem.

you have two ips in your devtools, please disconnect the ip which is belong to PC. and then restart androidstudio. after that you debug again.