Can someone recommend a very simple, very basic, step by step, setup guide for developing with android on a windows (xp) environment? I just want to make sure my dev environment is set up correctly, I have attempted to ‘install’ cocos2dx about 20 times now and am growing more frustrated as the days pass.
The difficult part is to install the android ndk environment. Have you succeed on build & run HelloJni demo from NDK?
If do, then refer to this document [[How to run HelloWorld on ndk r4 and r5]] to proceed.
In other words, paste the error log here would be helpful than re-install cocos2dx for 20 times. I guess you perhaps repeated a wrong way 20 times.
Thanks for the replies. I have read that wiki, I just seem to be having issues at each turn. I’ve no idea where to find the HelloJni demo or even where to start looking. I am a complete noob to Eclipse and Android. One thing I have noticed is that I believe my NDK is r6 (is that bad?).
The sample of HelloJni in the directory: …-ndk-r6\samples\hello-jni
In Eclipse:
1 Click File > New Android Project…
2 Select the Create project from existing source radio button.
3 Select any API level above Android 1.5.
4 In the Location field, click Browse… and select the /samples/hello-jni directory.
5 Click Finish.
6 start an avd or connect to an android phone, build and run the sample
In fairness Microsoft makes it very easy for anyone to use the full Visual Studio product. If you are a student there is DreamSpark program, if you are an Indie or Business that makes under 1 Million, you have the BizSpark program that gives you 3 years free access to the full range of Microsoft products.
Whatever you think about Microsoft they do have great developer programs, they really care about developers.