c++ open source map editor like in Aquaria game

Hello ,

First of all I want to say what a great work ! I started to port my game in cocos2dx.

I have found a very nice editor open source for that doesn’t use tiles but pieced images like in Braid or Aquaria games.


Can you added the level format to be loaded by tile map engine in cocos2d x.

This could be a huge improvement for the cocos2d x visual aspect of the games.

I started to do this but I am not to familiar with the Tile map format in cocos2d.

best regards,

Valentin Vit

Thanks for you suggestion!
RicardoQuesada will publish cocos2d-iphone 0.99.5-final in before Christmas, and then cocos2d-x will upgrade to 0.99.5, keep sync with our parent project. This work may continue to the end of Jan 2011.
I am afraid cocos2d-x have no more men to add new features in these 2 months.

If you want this feature immediately, you can contribute codes to cocos2d-iphone “extras” directory, such as “joystick” & “proximity”. Submit the feature to cocos2d-iphone and use in 0.99.5. After Jan 2011, cocos2d-x will inherit the “extras” from cocos2d-iphone repository.

Hi, guys. This case is interesting. But who can tell me the relationship between this map editor and IndieLib.com? I saw IndieLib is published under LGPL, it’s no so good for developers.
I love MIT, Apache license…

I will try to make a loader for cocos2d x.

From what I saw the map format for the editor is not so complex as the tmx format from cocos2d. For example it does not support base64 encryption.

Also I will need a few hints:

use as base for tiles CCSpriteSheet in order to use an Atlas texture and rotate,scale position real time> is a good idea ?
~~when cocos2d x will upgrade to 0.99.5 CCSpriteSheet will be transformed in CCSpriteBatchNode ? what are the difference ?
~~I need a hint to a code sample to load images from Atlas texture
-Can I use Tinyml and still be portable on Iphone in order to keep the compatibility with indielib?

best regards,
Valentin Vit

  • use as base for tiles CCSpriteSheet in order to use an Atlas texture and rotate,scale position real time -> is a good idea ?

    • CCSpriteSheet must be helpful to image tiles structure. You can inherit it
  • when cocos2d x will upgrade to 0.99.5 CCSpriteSheet will be transformed in CCSpriteBatchNode ? what are the difference ?

    • CCSpriteBatchNode is a new feature in 0.99.5. cocos2d-x may offer this class by Jan 2011.
  • I need a hint to a code sample to load images from Atlas texture

    • Please take a look in tests/tests/AltasTest & tests/SpriteTest
  • Can I use Tinyml and still be portable on Iphone in order to keep the compatibility with indielib?

    • libxml is recommend. But if you perfer tinyxml, you can carry it on your feature patch :slight_smile:

“CCSpriteSheet must be helpful to image tiles structure. You can inherit it”

What are the advantage to inherit CCSpriteSheet . If I create the tiles as CCSprites directly and add it to CCSpriteSheet is to memory consuming ?

The advantage is if I inherit I don ’t have to create a CCSprite for each tile ? Is this related to performance ?

Or there are any other reason ?