Thanks for you suggestion!
RicardoQuesada will publish cocos2d-iphone 0.99.5-final in before Christmas, and then cocos2d-x will upgrade to 0.99.5, keep sync with our parent project. This work may continue to the end of Jan 2011.
I am afraid cocos2d-x have no more men to add new features in these 2 months.
If you want this feature immediately, you can contribute codes to cocos2d-iphone “extras” directory, such as “joystick” & “proximity”. Submit the feature to cocos2d-iphone and use in 0.99.5. After Jan 2011, cocos2d-x will inherit the “extras” from cocos2d-iphone repository.
Hi, guys. This case is interesting. But who can tell me the relationship between this map editor and I saw IndieLib is published under LGPL, it’s no so good for developers.
I love MIT, Apache license…
From what I saw the map format for the editor is not so complex as the tmx format from cocos2d. For example it does not support base64 encryption.
Also I will need a few hints:
use as base for tiles CCSpriteSheet in order to use an Atlas texture and rotate,scale position real time> is a good idea ?
~~when cocos2d x will upgrade to 0.99.5 CCSpriteSheet will be transformed in CCSpriteBatchNode ? what are the difference ?
~~I need a hint to a code sample to load images from Atlas texture
-Can I use Tinyml and still be portable on Iphone in order to keep the compatibility with indielib?