[CC 3.8.1] AnimationClip.createWithSpriteFrames not working

I am leaning CC, I am more interested write code than using tool CC, but that is not working.

I am using CC version 3.8.1

this is images of my code:

let getImg = async (name : string, path : string = 'int04') => {
    return new Promise((res,fai) => {
        cc.resources.load(path+"/"+name+"/spriteFrame", cc.spriteFrame ,(err, texture) => {

let createAnimationArray = async(parent, list: any, speed:number = 0.1, loop: boolean = false, path:string = 'int04') => {
    return new Promise(async (res,fai) => {
        let arr = [];
        let pro = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
            pro.push(spriteFrame(list[i], path));
        let data = await Promise.all(pro);
        for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        let node = new Node();

        let animation = node.addComponent(Animation);
        let clip = AnimationClip.createWithSpriteFrames(arr, 10);
        clip.wrapMode = loop ? AnimationClip.WrapMode.Loop : AnimationClip.WrapMode.Normal;
        clip.speed = speed;

        animation.playOnLoad = true;


let spriteFrame = async(name: string, path:string = 'int04') => {
    return new Promise(async (res,fai) => {
        let texture = await getImg(name, path);
        const node = new Node();
        const spriteFrame = new SpriteFrame();
        const tex = texture;
        spriteFrame.texture = tex;
        const sprite = node.addComponent(Sprite);
        sprite.spriteFrame = spriteFrame;


let bien = new cc.Node();
let bien_troi = int04.createAnimationArray(bien,['23020_0_8', '23020_0_9', '23023_3_6'], 0.1, true, 'map/dat');

That is created in node, but it not show in screen, (this is images of node, but is not working):


this is screen work (the function created and added child, but it not show in canvas :frowning:

Hello all,
I found and solved my problem.
On my question, in the CreateAnimationArray function, I have added NODE to PARENT in the last line.

However, for Animation to work, I need to add Node to Parent first, then initialize animationClip to Animation.

Hope no one encounters this situation like me.

Here is the new code:

Have a good day everyone.