when CCTranstionScene::finish()
it will reset scale (and other propoties )
if a scene init with scale, then it occor a bug by reset, because the size is not what we want.
when CCTranstionScene::finish()
it will reset scale (and other propoties )
if a scene init with scale, then it occor a bug by reset, because the size is not what we want.
I’m not very clear about this, for I haven’t set the scale to CCScene.
The code you mentioned is the same in cocos2d-iphone & cocos2d-x.
Can you post your source I can reproduce this bug, and attach a screenshot?
i created a globalfucntion singleton with the function
void GlobalFunctions::reScaleScene( cocos2d::CCNode *tempScene ){
tempScene->setScaleX( getScaleX() );
tempScene->setScaleY( getScaleY() );
tempScene->setAnchorPoint( ccp( 0, 0 ) );
tempScene->setPosition( ccp( 0, 0 ));
float GlobalFunctions::getScaleX(){
return CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize().width / 320;
float GlobalFunctions::getScaleY(){
return CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize().height / 480;
used to scale game into full screen for all devices.
( by the way, i try to use contentScale function for this, failed )
Then i call
GlobalFunctions::reScaleScene( this );
in anyScene init(), before return
but if i CCTransition to show the scene,
CCDirector::sharedDirector()->replaceScene( CCTransitionFade::transitionWithDuration( SCENE_TRANSITION_TIME, MyScene::node() ) );
the scene will show but scale to 1.0 right away.
there is a another bug,
if i hide a sprite out of scene area, when i use CCTranstionSlideInL or some other methods, the hidden sprite will show out during the transition duration.
Sorry for the late reply.
Cocos2d-x has its mechanism of auto-scale for different resolutions on Android, win32, wophone, and inherit the hd design from cocos2d-iphone for iOS. Please read this wiki page ]. If you’re developing on android, you can simply enable this line in MyGame/android/jni/helloworld/main.cpp>create(480,320); // in older versions, create(320,480);
Setting scale to scenes, layers & sprites manually is not a good way to do the multi-resolution support, we do this job just before each frame rendering, so the coordinations don’t need to re-calculate. Or you can play with the CCCamera, e.g. http://www.cocos2d-x.org/boards/6/topics/1633 Don’t forget cocos2d is created in the 3D world.
And the lastest bug you mentioned, it’s designed as-is. Nodes out of screen will not be hide automatically by the engine. If you want to hide them, please write a schedule function to do conditional judgment in it.