when i use CCTransitionPageTurn::transitionWithDuration(1, scene, false) to replace sence, in simulator,it’s ok.but it will show a white flash in real devies(ios4.3.3) when replace scence.
i use a 960*640 png as background.you can clike the “x” to replace scence and see the white flash.is how can i remove the white flash?
i don’t think they are same bug.because i use the latest version(cocos2d-1.0.0-x-0.9.0),and http://www.cocos2d-x.org/issues/350 is fixed at cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.8.3
you can run my test in real device and see it.
there is PageTransitionForward in transition test, this test does the same thing as you do in helloworld.
you could run the test on your device and see that if it has the same phenomenon.