Cocos Creator 3.8.4 Desktop Build After Run Error Assets

Hi i am using cocos creator 3.8.4 on windows 11 + vs 2022, and then i build my project as desktop or exe. It build the exe successfuly but when i try to run the program it just close window and it appears error log like this:

  • error: [Assets] Run build stage[run] in package X:\xxxxx\xxxxx\build\program-directory failed!Error: [Assets] Run build stage[run] in package X:\xxxxx\xxxxx\build\program-directory failed!
    at Object.error (C:\ProgramData\cocos\editors\Creator\3.8.4\resources\app.asar\node_modules@sentry\src\instrument\console.ts:40:20)
    at Object.error (C:\ProgramData\cocos\editors\Creator\3.8.4\resources\app.asar\builtin\asset-db\dist\worker\console.ccc:1:1409)
    at NewConsole.error (C:\ProgramData\cocos\editors\Creator\3.8.4\resources\app.asar\builtin\builder\dist\worker\console.ccc:1:2237)
    at executeBuildStageTask (C:\ProgramData\cocos\editors\Creator\3.8.4\resources\app.asar\builtin\builder\dist\worker\index.ccc:1:8757)
    at Ipc. (C:\ProgramData\cocos\editors\Creator\3.8.4\resources\app.asar\builtin\builder\dist\worker\msg-util.ccc:1:206)

Did you try to check what error gives if you debug the build with visual studio community?

I had a similar problem due to some dll files. I patched it up with some that works, but not sure it’s the proper solution. I think there may be something not working in the dll that came packaged with the engine

ah i need to build it again. Since i have deleted all build files. May i know what dll that you mention?

maybe with little detail about the dll can help me

Sorry for the late reply.
The dll i was having issue with is: msvcp140.dll and its debug version

It is ok bro. Better late than never.
Thanks i’ll try it