Compiling documentation

Downloaded and doing according to:

On the Windows and Linux platform, the same error after executing npm run build-api:

Error: The option generate-json has already been registered
Error: The option generate-from-json has already been registered
Error: The option tags has already been registered
Error: The option params has already been registered
Error: The option warns has already been registered
Error: The option localize has already been registered
Error: The option templateStrings has already been registered

Has anyone been able to compile the api documentation?

nodejs v14

where does the build-api show?

“scripts” section: package.json

If this approach is not correct, where can I get an offline version of the api and documentation?

You can get offline document from here :GitHub - cocos/cocos-docs: Manual docs content for Cocos Creator

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Yes, thank you! I downloaded the repository from this link, and after a little battle with the assembly, I still won. Perhaps it will help someone else if the errors match: node.js - Gitbook-cli install error TypeError: cb.apply is not a function inside graceful-fs - Stack Overflow

PS. But as far as I can see, this documentation is without an api. Link on the page leads here GitHub - cocos/cocos-engine at v3.4.0

Sorry, the api documentation generation is not open to the public.

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