The samples in flash are very neat!
And I’m very curious of see how this works in Cocos 2dx
Sadly I spent three days trying to compile the extension and I couldn’t. I’m using Eclipse in Windows 7.
Is anyone is interested or has used this library? I would be glad to know!
I’m still stuck trying to compile this thing but I’m close.
I downloaded the Spine trial and I’ll use it eventually but right now I don’t want to spend money on licenses, and apart from that I used Dragon Bones in Javascript so I could say I’m accustomed.
I know this is old but I had some trouble with it too. After copying all files to Xcode and setting header search paths it compiled properly but it crashed when loading a file. Problem seems to be incompatible defines from cocos2dx rapidjson and dragon bones rapidjson. I removed dragon bones rapidjson and patched JSONDataParser to use cocos2dx rapidjson.
Sure. First I changed header for rapidjson to use cocs2dx version and altered the define as follows: #define dragonBones_rapidjson rapidjson
Then I changed all GetFloat() calls to GetDouble(). The GetArray parts needed some more changing.
For iterating through genericValues use: for (dragonBones_rapidjson::Value::ConstValueIterator itr = document[ARMATURE].Begin(); itr != document[ARMATURE].End(); ++itr)
I can send you my code if you like. Message me your email.