First mkf(20101121) of cocos2dx to airplay

put this mkf into Box2D directory (0.3 KB)

put this mkf into cocos2dx directory

Is .mkf he “make file” of airplay project?
Now you can fork our repository of , commit your works and send a “pull request” to me. I’ll merge your modifications to the cocos2d-x master.

Third party libraries of cocos2d-x are: xml, png, opengles and jpeg.
The versions of them are:
xml: libxml2
png: libpng14.
jpeg: Is it having version?
opengles: 1.1

ok, I have seen the “third_party_versions.txt” file on git, it is at the path cocos2dx\platform\win32\third_party, and I get the details of the version

Is there anyone actively working on an airplay port?
This would be very cool.

Maybe the new EDK of Airplay ( makes it easier to use cocos2d-x at least for Android and Iphone together with Airplay.