I have one enemy prefab and one target prefab. Both are created in a script because it appears at a certain time and in groups.
I wish that an enemy prefab created finds its closest target, and stuck to it until it reaches its position.
I have found several answers in C++ but I am trying to do it in JavaScript.
I have this to find a node position and calculate the distance between the prefab and the node, but the getPosition() doesn’t seem to work for a prefab
var targetPosition = this.game.targetPrefab.getPosition();
var distance = this.node.position.sub(targetPosition).mag();
But then it is just a random target. I am afraid that the enemy will bug since several targetPrefabs are created and it won’t know where to go. which is why I am trying to get the closest target, but I don’t know how
And then I will use moveBy until it reaches its destination :
var enemyTarget = cc.moveBy(100, this.game.targetPrefab.getPosition());
Does anyone has any suggestions ?
Thank you in advance