glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); crash!!!!

glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4) in ( void CCSprite::draw(void) ) crash!

please see the Screenshots on the attachment!
callback and register and variable; (133.1 KB)

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wait online


Sorry for late reply.
I have seen your screenshots,but the information is not enough.Especially,the call stack information.

Hope that you can upload a sample code which will reproduce the bug. : )

I use the example code ,just the “tests” example。
I haven`t modified anything~

I’m sorry for my carelessness.

Which cocos2d-x version are you using? 0.7.1 or 0.7.2?
And which test case do you run?

I think maybe it’s because of the resource files are not copied to the correct folder.

cocos2d-win32.sln tests project (any project will crash)

and I can run the .exe file and everything is ok
but I cann`t debug!
— I think maybe it’s because of the resource files are not copied to the correct folder.
I just use the default directory structure.

Add I have added the QQ Group “cocos2d-x(2)”
maybe you can help me with QQ
Thank u !