Hello World crash in emulator

I’m new to the the android. I tried the example of Hello World with Eclipse 3.6.1 and emulator 5554 .
No compilation error but when the app launch i got app error on the emulator “cocos2dsimpleGame stopped unexpectedly”

my console log
11-02-27 17:54:21 - Cocos2dSimpleGame] Android Launch!
[2011-02-27 17:54:21 - Cocos2dSimpleGame] adb is running normally.
[2011-02-27 17:54:21 - Cocos2dSimpleGame] Performing org.cocos2dx.cocos2dsimplegame.Cocos2dSimpleGame activity launch
[2011-02-27 17:54:21 - Cocos2dSimpleGame] Automatic Target Mode: using existing emulator ‘emulator-5554’ running compatible AVD ‘my_avd’
[2011-02-27 17:54:22 - Cocos2dSimpleGame] Application already deployed. No need to reinstall.
[2011-02-27 17:54:22 - Cocos2dSimpleGame] Starting activity org.cocos2dx.cocos2dsimplegame.Cocos2dSimpleGame on device emulator-5554
[2011-02-27 17:54:23 - Cocos2dSimpleGame] ActivityManager: Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=org.cocos2dx.cocos2dsimplegame/.Cocos2dSimpleGame }

what can be the reason?
Thank you.

Which ndk version are you using?
This document [[Chapter 1 - Create a New cocos2d-x project with multi-platforms]] is updated at Mar.3.
For ndk r5 user, you should read [[How to run HelloWorld on ndk r4 and r5]], then change both Cocos2dSimpleGame/jni/helloworld/Android.mk and cocos2dx/Android.mk.

Sorry for the delay reply. The email notification for this forum sometimes isn’t work well and I haven’t get the notice.