I’m trying to install cocos2d-x on my xp. I have installed Visual Studio 2008 express. I can run the simulator. But I can not get the cocos2d wizard to work with visual. I have read the tutorials 100 times. I don’t get it. I can’t get the setup_VS2008 file to run and say completed.
also do I even need this wizard to make the game?
You’ll need the full Visual Studio to use addins. Express doesn’t have that.
You can still use the source files though. Just copy the files, create a new project, add the files, set character set to Multi-Byte, runtime to Multi-Threaded DLL [Debug] and you should be all set. The addin is just a helper to make that process a little faster (and perhaps easier if you haven’t used VS before), you don’t really need it to make games.
Yep, the rule for writing vs wizard is so strange, this js can only work for Visual Studio 2008 Professional.
Issue #300 is created for this case at Dec.30,2010