Hotupdate cocos creator version 3.8.4

Asset update error: assets/internal/native/08/0835f102-5471-47a3-9a76-01c07ac9cdb2/OpenSans-Regular.ttf, Not Found

The source already exists on the server, why can’t the downloaded source be found?
@Tom_k pls help me!!

Here is the example of hotupdate link for your reference: GitHub - cocos-creator/cocos-tutorial-hot-update: Tutorial project for Cocos Creator hot update
There are two points for your problem:

  1. When building, do not check MD5 Cache,or it wont take hotupdate effect.
    2 .Make sure the hot-update plugin is under cocos project packages folder.
    This plugin will inject the below codes after building, which will set search path:
// ahead of main.js will inject the codes
(function () {
    if (typeof window.jsb === 'object') {
        var hotUpdateSearchPaths = localStorage.getItem('HotUpdateSearchPaths');
        if (hotUpdateSearchPaths) {
            var paths = JSON.parse(hotUpdateSearchPaths);
            var fileList = [];
            var storagePath = paths[0] || '';
            var tempPath = storagePath + '_temp/';
            var baseOffset = tempPath.length;
            if (jsb.fileUtils.isDirectoryExist(tempPath) && !jsb.fileUtils.isFileExist(tempPath + 'project.manifest.temp')) {
                jsb.fileUtils.listFilesRecursively(tempPath, fileList);
                fileList.forEach(srcPath => {
                    var relativePath = srcPath.substr(baseOffset);
                    var dstPath = storagePath + relativePath;
                    if (srcPath[srcPath.length] == '/') {
                    else {
                        if (jsb.fileUtils.isFileExist(dstPath)) {
                        jsb.fileUtils.renameFile(srcPath, dstPath);

In version 3.8.3, I still hotupdate normally, but when I upgrade to version 3.8.4, rebuild and push the sources back to the server, the download is not found while the path to download is correct.

I’m still following docs cocos creator