How to export single html files for Playable Ads?

Hi. Is it possible to use Cocos Creator to create Playable Ads?
I saw that there is two assets in the store (PlayableAds and SmartAd Playabs Ads Pack Tool) that are supposed to do that but honestly I haven’t succeded with them. Even if the single html is generated it doesn’t pass through the loading screen afterwards.

There is any other solution for that?

Yes, we have a few developers making playable ads with Cocos Creator. We don’t have a directly positive way, but if you need help, contact me and I’ll share the contact with one developer making playables.

Hi, how can I reach you :pensive:

Click on LukeStapley’s username, it will link you to their profile page. Near the top-right of your screen there should be a blue button, “chat”. This will link you to DMs with LukeStapley.

Just this week, I launched a plugin to develop playable ads that also does one single HTML formatting.
You can check it out:

Also, there is a launch discount code: COCOS