Hi. Is it possible to use Cocos Creator to create Playable Ads?
I saw that there is two assets in the store (PlayableAds and SmartAd Playabs Ads Pack Tool) that are supposed to do that but honestly I haven’t succeded with them. Even if the single html is generated it doesn’t pass through the loading screen afterwards.
There is any other solution for that?
Yes, we have a few developers making playable ads with Cocos Creator. We don’t have a directly positive way, but if you need help, contact me and I’ll share the contact with one developer making playables.
Click on LukeStapley’s username, it will link you to their profile page. Near the top-right of your screen there should be a blue button, “chat”. This will link you to DMs with LukeStapley.
Just this week, I launched a plugin to develop playable ads that also does one single HTML formatting.
You can check it out:
Also, there is a launch discount code: COCOS