How to run helloworld project of cocos2d-x on android?

I’m a fish for JNI, and I need a detailed tutorials
to start my cocos2d-x programming.
My operating system is Windows.

I think you can refer

There are more particles on the wiki.

All the documents are on the wiki
* [[How to run HelloWorld on ndk r4 and r5]]
* [[How to run test cases on android-ndk]]
* [[How to create android project with script]]

I’m confused at this step:“Run cygwin enter the directory of HelloWorld/android ./”
How to find the directory with cygwin?

For example, helloword in c:/document, you can enter
/cygwin/c/document to
to enter it.

I am sorry, it is
cd /cygdrive/c/document

I’ll try ,thx