I am having problems using parallel 1 node and node component Opacity

tween().parallel(tween().to(0.5, { scale: new Vec3(2, 2, 2) }, { easing: ‘sineOut’ }), tween().to(0.5, { opacity: 0 })),
tween().call(() => {
nodeV.active = false;
tween().call(() => {
this.node.active = true;

@Tom_k pls help me!

What is the version of Cocos?

cocos creator ver 3.8.5

@Tom_k pls help me!

Please try the code below:

    tween().parallel(tween().to(0.5, { scale: new Vec3(2, 2, 2) }, { easing: 'sineOut' }), tween(this.nodeV.getComponent(UIOpacity) as UIOpacity).to(0.5, { opacity: 0 })),
    tween().call(() => {this.nodeV.active = false;}),
    tween().call(() => {this.node.active = true;}),

Here is the link for your reference. Tween Example | Cocos Creator

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You might need to ensure that the opacity change applies to the correct component, like nodeV.getComponent(UIOpacity).opacity = 0. Have you tried that?