iwassert error

My Marmalade port works fine for the most part. Except on a part of my application where I’m getting a

“IwAssert failure (S3E, 1694). Message: Unavailable GLES function called”. this is on the actual device, not the simulator.

Is there any way to look at any logs in order to understand which is the function that fails?


Already found the issue:

Don’t use CCParticlePoint, use the optimal particle macro instead

Hiya, which version are you using? Giovanni Zito and Francis Styck are doing magics on marmalade port after v0.10.

Hi Walzer,

I’m using the code from the git repository. I’m already in sync with the code from Giovanni and Francis.

Hi Diego,

as you said, use ARCH_OPTIMAL_PARTICLE_SYSTEM macro.
It was an ussue with your own app, right?

Hi Giovanni,

You’re right, using the macro fixed the issue on my side.
