native.Downloader callback undefined

Hi everyone, I need help with native.Downloader. I want to create some download task, in older version (before cocos creator 3.6) I use jsb.Downloader and its work properly. But, in cocos creator 3.6 jsb is deprecated and need to use native namespace, when I use native.Downloader in the same way, downloadTask is created but the callback (success, progress, and error) not called. When I try to log downloader callback the output is ‘undefined’. This is my code :

import { log, native, _decorator } from 'cc';
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;

export class MyDownloader {
    private static _instance: MyDownloader;

    protected constructor() { }

    public static get instance(): MyDownloader {
        MyDownloader._instance ??= new MyDownloader();
        return MyDownloader._instance;

    public startDownload(bundleUrl: string) {
        const path = native.fileUtils.getWritablePath();
        log(`writable path: ${path}`);

        const downloader = new native.Downloader();
        downloader.onSuccess = (task) => {
            log('on success');
        downloader.onProgress = (task, bytesReceived, totalBytesReceived, totalBytesExpected) => {
            log('on progress');
        downloader.onError = (task, errorCode, errorCodeInternal, errorStr) => {
            log('on error');

        const task = downloader.createDownloadTask(bundleUrl, path);

        log(JSON.stringify(downloader.onSuccess)) // undefined;
        log(JSON.stringify(downloader.onProgress)) // undefined;
        log(JSON.stringify(downloader.onError)) // undefined;

There is something wrong with my code?

Turns out I can’t directly save downloads into writablePath

any solution on this…?