Need help starting a 3D game

Hello everyone,

I have been working on 2D games using Cocos Creator v2 for a while now, and I would like to start building 3D games like Temple Run. However, I’m having trouble finding comprehensive resources on this topic. I have only found one example game (Quick Start: Making your first game) and I would greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in the direction of more comprehensive tutorials.

Thank you!


I created a 3D first person controls tutorial. You can see that here:

I’ve got an entire FPS boilerplate project which is open source here:

This project has lots of example of many things so between the two you could get a good idea of how to do things.


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I’ve made a tutorial for runner game, here is the demo address[totally free]:Cocos Store

However, I’d like to apologize because the video tutorial is in Chinese only.
I am planning to do the English version, but it will take time.
Hope it can help a little. maybe you can build your game based on my project.

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