NEW USERS READ THIS! New User Guidance

Welcome New Users!

This has a few quick tips to get you started.

Why can’t I do certain things?

New users are somewhat limited for SPAM reasons. As you participate here, you’ll gain the trust of the community, become a full citizen, and those limitations will automatically be removed. Start by making a simple reply to this thread to say Hi. Then, read a few topics that interest you. Maybe use the search feature to see if your particular topics of interest are already being talked about? You can always reach out to me to talk about your needs.

Why can’t I start a new topic?

See above. Plus make sure you satisfy this list of items.

  • Fill out the required fields in your profile.
  • Post a Hi in this thread.
  • Browse the forum and read topics for a total of 20 minutes (view your current read time in your profile)

Once you gain posting privileges, you first posts still require moderation.

Keep scrolling

There are no next page buttons or page numbers – to read more, just keep scrolling down!

As new posts come in, they will appear automatically.

Where am I?

  • For search, your user page, or the menu, use the icon buttons at the upper right.

  • Any topic title will take you to the next unread post. Use the last activity time and post count to enter at the top or bottom.

  • While reading a topic, jump to the top ↑ by selecting the topic title. Select the green progress bar at the bottom right for full navigation controls, or use the home and end keys.

How do I reply?

  • To reply to the overall topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the page.

  • To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button on that post.

  • To take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as linked Topic to the right of the post.

To quote someone in your reply, select the text you wish to quote, then press any Reply button.

To ping someone in your reply, mention their name. Type @ and an autocompleter will pop up.

For standard Emoji, just start typing : or the traditional smileys :) :smile:

What else can I do?

There are action buttons at the bottom of each post.

To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, use the like button. If you see a problem with a post, privately let them, or our staff, know about it with the flag button.

You can also share a link to a post, or bookmark it for later reference on your user page.

Who is talking to me?

When someone replies to your post, quotes your post, or mentions your @username, a number will immediately appear at the top right of the page. Use it access your notifications.

Don’t worry about missing a reply – you’ll be emailed direct replies (and private messages) if you aren’t online when they arrive.

When are conversations new?

By default all conversations less than two days old are considered new, and any conversation you’ve participated in (replied to, created, or read for an extended period) will automatically be tracked.

You will see the blue new and number indicators next to these topics:

You can change the individual notification state of a topic via the control at the bottom of the topic (this can also be set per category). To change how you track topics, or the definition of new, see your user preferences.

How do I post code?

If you have a coding problem, always include bit of code.
Do it like this:

auto sprite = Sprite::create(“awesome_image.png”);

It will look like this:

auto sprite = Sprite::create("awesome_image.png");

How do I post code?

If you have a coding problem, always include bit of code.
Do it like this:

auto sprite = Sprite::create(“awesome_image.png”);

It will look like this:

auto sprite = Sprite::create("awesome_image.png");

Cool. I will add it to the e-mail each user gets as well.


Can you make change in forum navigation, I hate when need to navigate from specific to all topic list, I need to click “Produts” and then Forum buttons as if I click directly Forum it just refreshing topic, but I want back to Topick list


There is a drop down to select category from


Cool Cocos2d-x Forum.

1 Like

Hi, I don’t know where to post this.

I used to code using cocos2d-x 2 and 3 using visual studio.
Because of the recent open ssl problem I need to update my game.

When I open the download page, there’re cocos2d-x, cocos, cocos creator, sdkbox.
There’re no descriptions what those things do.
But If I open the ‘looking at older version’ page, there’re descriptions about cocos2d-x and cocos.
So cocos2d-x now is for contributing for the source and cocos is for developing?
Which one that I need to modify my visual studio code? cocos is still in beta, can it be used without visual studio?

Cocos2d-x is the engine.

Cocos is Cocos2d-x + Cocos app, + Cocos Studio

Cocos Creator is our new development environment for JavaScript based projects.

SDKBOX is a third-party set of plugins that allow you to add functionality to your projects easily. Things like IAP, Facebook, etc, etc.


I suggest to put a big banner at the top of the forums indicating new users that they can’t make threads yet. I know that there is a Private Message sent to all new users but the inbox is certainly not the first thing you check, hence causing some confusion and frustration that could easily be adverted.

Oh, and it would be awesome to have some more robust forum software like MyBB or IPB.

I’ll customize the Welcome message to say this first thing.

Discourse is way more robust than MyBB or IPB, IMHO. We should upgrade more often though.


Discourse is barely 3 or 4 years old. Both IPB and MyBB have been around for roughly 14 years I think (like 2002?), and have been under constant development (one being commercial and the other open source).

Anyway, regardless of robustness, the model in IPB, MyBB or similar platforms feels more friendly and intuitive - probably because most forum softwares use the same feel (which is nice because it becomes more welcoming and familiar).

@Lotus2D definitely a personal preference and honestly it doesn’t really matter at this point since they’ve chosen Discourse and won’t be changing it anytime soon. Also a good number of new and active open source projects are using Discourse now and it is robust and seems to work very well with features that phpBB doesn’t have (though mybb/ipb might, I haven’t used or didn’t know I was using them).

We have been using Discourse for a few years now. It is way nicer than the old RedMine system we were using.
Thanks for the suggestions. If we decide to change forum software again I will have a look at the ones you mention.

1 Like

This is just ridiculous… I can’t post a legitimate problem on the forums because I’m a new user? There are much better ways to protect against spammers and bots than this.


Hey @Sosukodo
This might be troublesome, I know. But in general, many forums do that. Even THE FAMOUS has similar kind of restrictions.

I’m sorry. I also read your PM to me as well. I’ll increase your level so that you can create a new topic.

Edit: It looks like for system increased your privs already. You should be fine to post. All it took was you reading and moving around the forums a bit.


I’m new here, and hope can learn from you guys.


Hello all
I am a little confused
is cocos creator just used for mobile games or I can build for desktop platforms using it
right now I don’t care about mobile platforms so I want to know if I should use cocos 2d or not ?


oh well, let me reply something