NEW USERS READ THIS! New User Guidance

I would prefer, just because this “server” is for the complete cocos-family.

I’m a little confused… I just registered and I can’t post my issue here? What should I do to be able to post? I’m having trouble with a setup in Android and I would like to post the details. Thanks in advance.

When you signed up there was a Welcome post that you should have read. In that post it tells you why you cannot post and how to be able to post.


I missed the “Welcome” post as well. Is it possible to sticky the requirements for new users somewhere?

How do I open a new topic?

You read your Welcome Message for the answer. :slight_smile:

I could probably do this.

Sorry for the question, but how do I create a new topic in the forum? I cannot find the create topic button anywhere.

Good. But how can I get the permission to create a topic?

There was info about this in the email you should have received.

You say: “I’ll customize the Welcome message to say this (i.e., that new users can’t post questions) first thing.” But from what I can see you didn’t do that? This is a really bad experience for new users not to be able to post questions. Instead all they can do is post their questions as replies to some existing thread, like this one.

This is a horrible experience. Everyone is confused about why they can’t post. Someone asked if you could make the reasons people can’t post (and apparently some instructions on how to become able to post) in a sticky. I’m in that same situation. I must have signed up a while ago but I don’t have the email now. You keep replying to people “it should have been in the email”. Can’t you just post the information here? And anyway, it’s a terrible idea that new people can’t post questions. You could at least make a sandbox “newbie” chat area where they could post their questions. Instead everyone is just hijacking this thread. This all makes me so pessimistic about using this library. Oh, and can’t you use a forum system that allows for hierarchical replies. It’s impossible to follow the chain of each sub-thread here.


Please understand that this is part of a generic Discourse installation. We do adjust these properties some but Discourse works this way unless admins change it.

Please see the very first post in this thread. It has this text:

Why can’t I do certain things?

New users are somewhat limited for safety reasons. As you participate here, you’ll gain the trust of the community, become a full citizen, and those limitations will automatically be removed. At a high enough trust level, you’ll gain even more abilities to help us manage our community together.

replying to this thread builds your reputation.

I don’t think it’s enough to say “New users are somewhat limited for safety reasons. As you participate here, you’ll gain the trust of the community, become a full citizen, and those limitations will automatically be removed. At a high enough trust level, you’ll gain even more abilities to help us manage our community together.” That doesn’t say specifically that you can’t post new topics, and it doesn’t say specifically what you need to do to be able to post new topics. Of course I was glad that just replying to this thread gave me that power, but I had no way to know that ahead of time.

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Discourse does not seem to be a good enough tool for this, then. This community seems large enough and important enough that there should be a good tool. Why not use stackexchange?

We are not switching at this time. Thank you for the idea. I will look at it for future consideration. I can see that your trust level is where it needs to be to have freedom on these forums now.

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Okay, but if you could at least put in instructions for new users on what they have to do to get the trust level to post a new question, I think it would help. It would have made me feel better. As it was, I had no idea if I’d be able to post in a week, a month, or what.

Good idea. I can do this.

Edit: I added more language to help. If you have any further ideas, please reach out.

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This policy of not allowing users to post questions is absolutely idiotic.

Spambots will just wait, genuine users will be turned away.

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