[Nintendo Switch] Bridge Strike

Hello there!

I am proud to announce that our game Bridge Strike is available for Nintendo Switch :slight_smile:

Ps. No, we haven’t rewritten the game in Unity :stuck_out_tongue: It runs cocos inside! :smiley:

Ps2. Currently there is a promo active and I personally highly recommend it. It runs and plays really nice.



So you are saying that you ported Cocos2d-x to Switch? What version? Where can I check out a fork to try and run some of my games on Switch now?

@slackmoehrle Yes, we have ported cocos2d-x v3.17 to Switch. Unfortunately you can’t check it out. Most of the “Nintendo stuff” was done by a publisher. You also need to have a Nintendo dev-kit and Nintendo Switch developer account to run anything. “Porting” wasn’t extremely difficult, but it also wasn’t so easy. I can’t share too many details on the forum because of the NDAs, but if you had a funny game written in cocos2dx and would like to publish it on Nintendo Switch we can always talk. I think this is a very good news, because now you don’t have to rewrite your game in other game engine to run it on Switch.

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It’s ok. Thanks. I can do the work involved.

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A very well made game! :+1:

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Can you send me some gameplay video? We want to highlight it in a video showcase of games made with Cocos.

@CocosMarketing Sure :slight_smile:

Here is the one showing how it plays on Nintendo Switch: Bridge Strike | Nintendo Switch handheld gameplay - YouTube