Currently, I have successfully deployed my game to the web, but am having problems with data cache browser. Can I override the name of the built file?
Why do you want to override the name of your built file?
Hi guy, in the case of the server using caching, I want to add the version or file name each time I build to be able to bypass the caching mechanism.
You can use build hook to rename the file you want, of course you should rename the files which have been used/imported in the target files.
thank sir, can you give me an example or be a little more specific !
I think you can just check on the md5 cache setting in build config. It will append different md5 hash to file name each time when you build the game
Firstly, you can get the uuids from the files you want to rename through cocos Editor.
Secondly, custom the onAfterBuild in the hook.ts, search the build folder to rename the file and rename the files which have been used/imported in the target files.
Here is the link of how to custom the hook.