Hello everyone,
I have been trying to access the local folder to collect data from selected folder.
For the same I am using native.fileUtils module but getting this following error:
[PreviewInEditor] native.Downloader is not a constructor
tried with other platforms too but facing the same.
my editor version is - 3.8.3
here is my code-
import { _decorator, CCClass, Component, log, native} from 'cc';
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;
const { fileUtils } = native;
const dir = "D:/Cocos Practice/CreatorProjector/HelloWorld/";
export class AppManager extends Component {
//@property({ type: native })
start() {
//let folder = "D:/Cocos Practice/CreatorProjector/HelloWorld/"
let path = fileUtils.listFiles(dir);
let filenum = path.length;