Problem with transitions in bada


I have a problem with CCTransitionPageTurn.

CCScene *scene = CCScene::node(); sceneWithNumber(pageNum); scene->addChild(this); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->replaceScene(CCTransitionPageTurn::transitionWithDuration(0.5f, scene, !forward));

My application crash on CCDirector::sharedDirector()->replaceScene(CCTransitionPageTurn::transitionWithDuration(0.5f, scene, !forward));
How i can fix this bug?


Without transition:

CCScene *scene = CCScene::node(); sceneWithNumber(pageNum); scene->addChild(this); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->replaceScene(scene);

application work fine.

Are you running the code on the device or simulator? And which version of bada sdk do you use?
Our cocos2d-x bada branch is under testing. And we have not this bug! So please wait for our official version!

Are you running the code on the device or simulator? And which version of bada sdk do you use?
Our cocos2d-x bada branch is under testing. And we have not this bug! So please wait for our official version!

Application crash on the target device (S8500) and simulator.
I use Bada 1.2.1 sdk.


Sorry, We can’t help you because XMCocos2D is not an opensource project. You should send a feedback to XMSoft.
Besides, our 0.9.3 version will fully support bada os.