runAction(...) dose not work

Hi all!
I am trying to run some custom code on windows 32 platform. Every thing compiled without errors.
but call back function like callfuncN_selector(SplashLayer::cFadeAndShow) does not called at all.

Here is code i wrote:

void SplashLayer::fadeAndShow(CCArray* splashImages)
    CCSprite* next = (CCSprite*)splashImages->objectAtIndex(0);

    CCCallFuncND* pCCCallFuncND = CCCallFuncND::actionWithTarget(this,callfuncND_selector(SplashLayer::cFadeAndShow),(void*)splashImages);
    CCFadeIn* pCCFadeIn= CCFadeIn::actionWithDuration(1);
    CCDelayTime* pCCDelayTime=CCDelayTime::actionWithDuration(2);
    CCFiniteTimeAction* pCCSequence=CCSequence::actions(pCCDelayTime,pCCFadeIn,pCCCallFuncND,NULL);


void SplashLayer::cFadeAndShow(CCNode* sender,void* pData)
    CCArray* images = (CCArray*) pData;

function SplashLayer::cFadeAndShow(…) does not called at all.
May be some sort of activation for actions needed ?

Well, I just write a TestCallback in xcode4, and runs well in iphone simulator. Your code is right, except you may forget to add CCSprite* next into the layer

void SplashLayer::fadeAndShow(CCArray* splashImages)
    CCSprite* next = (CCSprite*)splashImages->objectAtIndex(0);

    CCCallFuncND* pCCCallFuncND = CCCallFuncND::actionWithTarget(this,callfuncND_selector(SplashLayer::cFadeAndShow),(void*)splashImages);
    CCFadeIn* pCCFadeIn= CCFadeIn::actionWithDuration(1);
    CCDelayTime* pCCDelayTime=CCDelayTime::actionWithDuration(2);
    CCFiniteTimeAction* pCCSequence=CCSequence::actions(pCCDelayTime,pCCFadeIn,pCCCallFuncND,NULL);


    this->addChild(next);  // THIS LINE!


A great way to test if a function is being called is to use CCLOG (“SplashLayer::fadeAndShow”);

This way you can determine whether your function was actually called or the culprit lies within the function.

I have a CCLayer that has been added in the CCB in cocosbuilder. This layer has some transitions happening on it and is initially hidden. I make it visible in my code as and when required. My problem is when I try to run a CCFadeIn or CCFadeOut on it, the callback after CCFadeIn/CCFadeOut is never called, as the function itself does not complete. What I mean by this is that when I run CCFadeIn on it, the sprites that are on that layer dont come in completely. Same with CCFadeOut; the images dont disappear completely. Any particular reason y this is happening?