Separate glb file for each animation

Hi all!

I use Cocos Creator version 3.8.3.

I have a skeleton (let’s call it AnimalSkeleton). There are several animations for it: Idle, Walk and Attack. I also have a few characters that use this skeleton and these animations (let’s call them Cat and Dog).

I could export two files: Cat.glb and Dot.glb. But I want to do it differently. I don’t know if it’s right or not, but I would split everything into the following files:

  • AnimalSkeleton.glb - skeleton
  • AnimalSkeleton_Idle.glb - skeleton + animation
  • AnimalSkeleton_Walk.glb - skeleton + animation
  • AnimalSkeleton_Attack.glb - skeleton + animation
  • Cat.glb - skeleton + mesh
  • Dog.glb - skeleton + mesh

The actual problem then is that 6 identical skeletons are formed in the project. How can I group them (combine them or do something else)? Otherwise, in SkinnedMeshRenderer, you click on the Skeleton field and a list of six skeletons is displayed. But in this case, I would like to have only one, because I only have one unique one.

If we take Unity. Avatars are used there. I could specify for the AnimalSkeleton.fbx file that it should create an avatar for it. And for the other five files, that it should not create its own avatars, but use the one created from the first one. I would always see only one skeleton (avatar).