Shader doesn't work on brower, or run it in the editor


export class GraidentSprite extends Component {
  private _startColor: Color = new Color(255, 0, 0, 255);
  @property({ type: Color })
  set startColor(value: Color) {
    this._startColor = value;
  get startColor(): Color {
    return this._startColor;

  // endColor, angle, edge1, and edge2 were declared in the same way as startColor.

private updateMaterial() {
    if (this.sprite && this.sprite.customMaterial) {
      const material = this.sprite.getMaterialInstance(0);

        new Vec4(
          this._startColor.r / 255,
          this._startColor.g / 255,
          this._startColor.b / 255,
          this._startColor.a / 255
        new Vec4(
          this._endColor.r / 255,
          this._endColor.g / 255,
          this._endColor.b / 255,
          this._endColor.a / 255
      material.setProperty("angle", this._angle);
      material.setProperty("edge1", this._edge1);
      material.setProperty("edge2", this._edge2);

      this.sprite.setMaterialInstance(material, 0);


CCEffect %{
  - passes:
    - vert: sprite-vs:vert
      frag: sprite-fs:frag
        depthTest: false
        depthWrite: false
        - blend: true
          blendSrc: src_alpha
          blendDst: one_minus_src_alpha
          blendDstAlpha: one_minus_src_alpha
        cullMode: none
        startColor: { value: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], editor: {type: color} }
        endColor: { value: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], editor: {type: color} }
        angle: { value: 45 }
        edge1: { value: 0.1 }
        edge2: { value: 0.3 }

CCProgram sprite-vs %{
  precision highp float;
  #include <builtin/uniforms/cc-global>
    #include <builtin/uniforms/cc-local>
    #include <common/common-define>
  in vec3 a_position;
  in vec2 a_texCoord;
  in vec4 a_color;

  out vec4 color;
  out vec2 uv0;

  vec4 vert () {
    vec4 pos = vec4(a_position, 1);

    #if USE_LOCAL
      pos = cc_matWorld * pos;

      pos = cc_matView * pos; = floor(;
      pos = cc_matProj * pos;
      pos = cc_matViewProj * pos;

    uv0 = a_texCoord;
    color = a_color;

    return pos;

CCProgram sprite-fs %{
  precision highp float;
  #include <builtin/internal/embedded-alpha>
  #include <builtin/internal/alpha-test>

  in vec4 color;

  in vec2 uv0;
  #pragma builtin(local)
  layout(set = 2, binding = 11) uniform sampler2D cc_spriteTexture;

  uniform ARGS{
    vec4 startColor;
    vec4 endColor;
    float angle;
    float edge1;
    float edge2;

  vec4 frag () {
    vec4 o = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1); 
    o *= CCSampleWithAlphaSeparated(cc_spriteTexture, uv0);

    float rad = radians(angle);
    float diagCoord = uv0.x * cos(rad) + uv0.y * sin(rad);
    o.rgb *= mix(startColor.rgb, endColor.rgb, smoothstep(edge1, edge2, diagCoord));
    o *= color;

    return o;

When I use above codes, the shaders I apply to the sprite work fine when I’m in the editor, or when I run it in an emulator.

But when I run it in the brower, or when I run it in the editor and view it, the shaders don’t get applied.

I’ve tried dozens of ways to get it to work, but I can’t figure out why it’s not working. Can someone help me with my issue?

Cocos 3.8.3
VSCode 1.90.2

Check the error messages in browser console, please

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OMG… I made a very basic mistake.

I didn’t get any error messages when I ran it in the editor, so I didn’t look at it in the browser, assuming there was nothing there.
Thanks for the help.

But I got an error saying asset not found. I’m new to cocos creator so I don’t know a solution.

ERROR : The asset 346ed7e7-bcb7-4ada-89da-c9f87571895b@fab0c is missing!
ERROR : The asset 346ed7e7-bcb7-4ada-89da-c9f87571895b is missing!

Given the poor representation of the game screen, I’m guessing the asset my browser isn’t finding is a shader or material… or both? What can I do to fix this?

Not sure what asset is that. It could be anything.

You can copy its ID and search it in editor @ asset browser.

Good luck and have fun :blush:

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I ended up not finding the asset with the UUID I mentioned in my last question, and everything else was fine without it.
Just to be on the safe side, I deleted all assets and reloaded them, but I’m still having the same problem.

I’m wondering if I should give up on using materials and shaders and just make them images.

I’ve been looking for a solution for 4 days now and can’t seem to figure it out. Anyway, thanks for your help.

First try this:

You can also do this:

Just paste the UUID into search bar in VSC and you will see some info.

After that scroll up and you will findout Node’s name like this


Thank you so much for telling me how to find that component, but it’s too bad it’s not related to the original problem, which is the shader. ;-(

It’s simply an error log caused by a missing asset in some component.

Applying a gradient shader with 5 colors to the label works fine, but applying the same shader to the spirte doesn’t work, and the 2-color graident in the code I posted earlier doesn’t work either.

Is there a difference between applying the material to the sprite and the label?

I wondered if the shader was not working properly because of the setProperty code, so I applied a graident shader with 5 colors that I never change in my code.

Unsurprisingly, the 2-color gradient that I parameterize in the script doesn’t work either.

They both have a color in common that corresponds to the start color, and when I adjust the edge value of the smoothstep, the entire thing is covered by the mixed middle value.

The problem was the texture setting in atlas.
I was using a non-power-of-two atlas texture, with Filter Mode set to Bilinear and Wrap Mode set to Clamp.

After changing the settings in ATLAS for other issues, I realized that it was working correctly.

For now, I changed the settings to Neartest(None) and Wrap, and it’s working fine. I also changed the settings of my atlas texture to make it a POT.
Just in case anyone else is having similar issues, I thought I’d share.

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Maybe this may help

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