Portal: Cocos Store
Provides the same functionality as Unity’s ScriptableObject
Convenient for configuring complex structured data, facilitating collaboration, and referencing other resources
Just like configuring prefab
data normally, but without the need for nodes or attaching components
Tested Platforms
H5 | WeChat Mini Game | Android Native | iOS Native | TikTok Mini Game | OPPO Mini Game | vivo Mini Game |
Features and Planning
[x] Custom ScriptableAsset Types
[x] Preview and Edit
[x] Drag and Drop Assignment to Component Fields (Recognition of Specified Custom ScriptableAsset Types)
[x] Add Right-Click Creation Button Using Decorators
[x] Compatible with 3.7.x
[x] Test on more publishing platforms
[ ] Support for Search
[ ] Support for Custom ScriptableAsset Inspector
Example Project
Gitee scriptableasset_example
GitHub scriptableasset_example
Automatically added to the right-click menu, create custom type data files
ps: You need to copy the example script template to your project:
Visual Configuration Modification
Modifying configuration is the same as modifying the field data of a Component
Any property decorator provided by CocosCreator can be used
For more usage: Cocos Creator 3.8 Manual - Decorator Usage
Referencing and Loading
Just like other resources (cc.Prefab, cc.AudioClip, etc.), reference and load
import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc';
import { bh } from 'db://scriptable-asset/scriptable_runtime';
import { CharSA } from './scripts/CharSA';
import { CharRender } from './scripts/CharRender';
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;
export class TestRefScriptableAsset extends Component {
charRender: CharRender;
charData: CharSA;
start() {
update(deltaTime: number) {
Dynamic Loading
import { _decorator, assetManager, Component, director, Node } from 'cc';
import { CharRender } from './CharRender';
import { CharSA } from './CharSA';
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;
export class TestLoadScriptableAssetDynamic extends Component {
charRender: CharRender = null;
assetPath: string = "char/char_datas/CharSA"
start() {
update(deltaTime: number) {
loadScriptableAsset() {
assetManager.loadBundle('scriptable_asset_test_res', (err, bundle) => {
if (err) {
bundle.load(this.assetPath, (err, asset:CharSA) => {
if (err) {
Known Issues
Custom classes that are decorated with the
decorator and do not inherit fromComponent
, such asCustomClass
, require an initial value to be assigned. -
Using a specific
type may cause the field assignment’s adjacent search functionality to not return any results. It is necessary to use the base classScriptableAsset
as the type for the field decorator, or to use@bh.scriptableAsset
directly for marking.@bh.scriptableAsset charData: CharSA;
Deleting the
script will cause dependent locations to display asUnknownType
. After restoring the script, restarting the editor will resolve the issue.
Other Works
Editor Console Enhancer Plugin EditorConsoleEnhancer
Makes your 5000+ resource project development as light and smooth as a swallow. Aswallow
[Perfect TypeScript Plugin Template]Cocos Store